This program doesn't need any additional software, it can simply create & use files and save the information there. In order to run the code, open the command prompt and go to the location where source code is saved and then compile the program as any other java program and run it. How To Import And Run The Project?įirst of all extract the files from the zip file at the known location. It can help to calculate the amount of fees, allocate the rooms, doctors, saving the information about the health issues and can help to update the information of patient time-to-time. It helps to easily add & retrieve the data from the files. It helps to save the personal & medical data of patient's in files. Admin module User module Doctor module Admin module: Dashboard: In this section, admin can view the Patients, Doctors, Appointments and. The entire project mainly consists of 3 modules, which are. In this project, we use PHP and MySQL database. The main objective while implementing this project was to minimize the work and at the same time increase the speed of the work done in hospitals. Hospital Management System is a web application for the hospital which manages doctors and patients.
It is very user-friendly and simple to use. Click to Share Here Features of the ProjectĮ-Health care management system is a command driven program. Add a new Controller in your project and. You can't find any project with your requirement just tell us. NET Gantt Chart Tutorial (Open-Source) Buy Hospital Management System Project Source Code in ASP.